Habbo Exchange
Hello and welcome to the Habbo exchange guide! This is where you can find out about all things exchangable on the hotel!
What is Habbo Exchange?
Habbo Exchange is/are the furniture version of Habbo credits. If you would like to save some credits, give or trade credits with someone else, then you can purchase Habbo Exchange furniture.
How do I purchase Habbo Exchange?
Once you have credits in your Habbo purse, load the client and click the Catalogue icon. Once this has loaded, click the sixth tab down called Habbo Exchange and it will bring up a selection of different amounts of Habbo Exchange that you can purchase.
How do I change them back into normal credits?
It's actually quite simple when you know how! Once you've purchased them, you may want to turn them back in to real Habbo credits. To do this, you must be in your own room. First of all, you drop the exchange furniture peice into your room, double click it and it will pop-up with a box asking you whether you'd like to go through with it. If you click redeem, you'll have your credits back!
How much is each exchange-peice worth?
You can see how much each is worth by reading through our mini-guide below.

1 Credit Coin
The 1 credit coin is worth 1 credit and can be bought from the catalogue at the price of 1 credit.

5 Credit Coin
The 5 credit coin is worth 5 credits and can be bought from the catalogue at the price of 5 credits.

10 Credit Coin
The 10 credit coin is worth 10 credits and can be bought from the catalogue at the price of 10 credits.

20 Credit Sack
The 20 credit sack is worth 20 credits and can be bought from the catalogue at the price of 20 credits.

50 Credit Bar
The 50 credit bar is worth 50 credits and can be bought from the catalogue at the price of 50 credits.