This page is here to help you find out anything you need to know about HabboMania! If there is something you need to know which isn't on here then feel free to contact a member of management on Habbomania Forum. Any messages which are received by management that are featured on this page will automatically be ignored.
Who owns HabboMania?
The owner is Marc-RFC-Marc on Habbo UK.
Does HabboMania have a forum?
Yes, we do have a forum which can be visited by
Can I have a job?
Sure, visit the job openings page by and see what jobs we have open.
My Radio isn't working what do I do?
We have a page specially made for this sort of thing which you can find by selecting the 'Radio' tab on your navigation bar and going to 'Can't Tune in?'
Is HabboMania an official fansite?
No but we are thriving to become one!!
I haven't got a reply from my Job Application, when will I get it?
HabboMania Management are very busy people, so you could need to wait up to a week for a reply from your application.
How can I contact HabboMania?
You can contact us by sending a private message Marc-RFC-Marc on the Habbomania Forum.
Are you Habbo Staff?
Does HabboMania have an official room?
No but if you could make one for us just PM Marc-RFC-Marc on the forum!.
Can I have rights in this room?
No, you have to be a really dedicated member of HabboMania before you get rights in this room.
I want to become a DJ, but I have a problem what should I do?
There is a special section on the forum under the Help Forums which is called "DJ Help" if you ever have a problem just go there and ask them a question!
Can you help me create a site like HabboMania?
Unfortunately we cannot help you create a site but there are guides on making a website which can be found by visiting
If you have any problems which are to do with the radio which haven't been answered here feel free to go the Radio FAQ's page by
clicking here.