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Supernova Star Blast 'Could Wipe Out Earth'

A star called T Pyxidis has been found by, it is much closer than previous thought at 3,260 light-years-away, found by American astronomers.

The star is set to self destruct in an explosion called a supernova with the force of 20 billion billion billion megatons of TNT, the blast from the thermonuclear could tear away the Earth's ozone layer, which keeps out deadly radiation.

This 'doomsday' scenario had been decribed by astronomers from Villanova University in Philadelphia.

They had also said that the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite has shown them that the T Pyxidis is not just one star it is two, one which is called a dwarf which is sucking in gas and steadily growing bigger and bigger.

When it reaches a critical mass it will blow itself to pieces, the experts have also said that in the photograph from the Hubble Space Telescope, the star is gearing up for its big bang with a series of smaller blasts or "burps", called novas.

Snow & Ice Paralyzes Britain.
After a day (or more for some) of snowfall, comes a night of sub-zero temperatures causing ice to form over the snow, on pavements and roads. Meaning treacherous driving conditions. Some places in the UK dipped to temperatures as low as -12c and even -18c, now that's cold.

Kids will be happy to know thousands of schools remain shut and unfortunately transport disruption continues. Many of the major airports are now operating, Gatwick, Luton, Birmingham, Cardiff etcetc however passengers are to expect delays.

Meanwhile, over 20,000 people in Hampshire have been affected by power cuts, and 3,000 people are still without electricity after a cable came down near Clanfield on the A3.
Also upto 5,000 homes were without power overnight in places such as Sussex, Kent and Surrey.

This big freeze isn't over yet either, officials say it's likely to last atleast another week yet.


Travel chaos for thousands of travellers

Snow has hit basically the whole of the UK for the past few days, and as the snow continues to fall, people hoping to get away from the snow are finding it very difficult.

The military was called in after up to 1,000 vehicles were stranded when snow blocked the A3 in Hampshire overnight. Some rail firms have reduced services, many roads are badly affected and flights have been delayed or cancelled.

The worst-hit areas have been central southern England and parts of the South West and South Wales. Counties most affected include Surrey, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Berkshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Buckinghamshire.

The UK's airports have also been badly affected with many having to suspend or cancel flights. As the snow continues to fall in parts of the country, many airports are closed.

Gatwick Airport has been closed for most of the day, but did re-open earlier on today, but has recently been closed again as the runway has to be cleared from snow. Passengers are advised to contact their airline before travelling.

Cardiff Airport has re-opened as of 14:00 GMT but are operating with delays. Passengers are advised to leave plenty of time to get to the airport and to check in as normal. There are limited inbound flights arriving at this time. As usual, passengers are advised to contact their airline before travelling.

London Luton Airport has been closed from 15:45 GMT today until an estimated time of 16:30 GMT to clear the runway from snow. EasyJet have cancelled all remaining departing flights from Luton Airport today and arriving flights are subject to delays or cancellations.

Exeter and Plymouth airports have also closed and suspended all flights from their airports for the duration of the day and have continued to do so.

Yet again, easyJet are one of the worst effected airlines cancelling all further flights out of Liverpool John Lennon Airport, due to operational difficulties (mainly, aircraft are in the wrong places). Also cancelling flights from London, Luton aswell due to severe weather. Ryanair have also been effected, cancelling flights from Liverpool, London Luton, Stansted, Gatwick, Dublin, Birmingham, Belfast and East Midlands Airports.

For full updates on all flights, please check these links:
- Ryanair
- easyJet
- London Luton Airport
- Stansted Airport
- Heathrow Airport

As condition are set to continue, we will keep you up to date with travel updates from the media section and if needed, HFFM Radio will keep you up to date.


7,000 schools shut, airports delayed and trains suspended, havoc created just about anywhere in the UK!

Most of the UK woke up today with a winter wonderland where snow had been falling overnight. Parts of Aviemore have recorded 48cm while Reading has recorded 29cm. Snow has swept South and East during the day causing Southern parts of England to see a further covering of up to 20cm.

Seven thousand schools were closed today and more are due to stay shut tomorrow (Thursday 7th!). Parents were forced to stay off work to look after their children while some bosses even docked their pay. Every airport in the UK at the moment has some kind of delay, but some such as Gatwick and Stansted decided to shut for most of the day due to the settling snow on runways. Airports are advising passengers to check with their airline operator before travelling.

Supermarkets and shops were also affected, some including big supermarket chain Asda even had to close due to a staff shortage.

But unfortunately, the Met Office has warned of more wintry weather to come for the UK particularly for the South, South-East and East Anglia over Friday and into the weekend, although parts of East Anglia and Northern Scotland will also see snow dragging in on Thursday afternoon. Temperatures are also set to dip well below freezing towards the weekend with Scotland baring the brunt of temperatures likely to reach minus twenty! Snow is also on the way for much of the UK into next week but the main concern is the widespread ice which is why just about anywhere in the UK will have a weather warning out as temperatures plummet overnight.

Definitely, worth keeping yourself up-to-date. We'll keep you posted on the snowy conditions. Enjoy your Snow Days if you have them.


Chaos throughout the UK!
Roads slippery from ice, and heavy snow are causing chaos throughout the UK. There are Met Office severe weather warnings in place while the "deep freeze" goes on.

There have been hundreds of schools closed, roads becoming hazardous and trains, buses and planes have been cancelled. Liverpool airport has even closed, for a second time.

Snow fell in Scotland, and most parts of England and Wales in what is said to be one of the coldest snap in decades. There have been snowfalls of over 30cm in places, and have been forecast for the next couple of days throughout the UK.

Forecasters have said that the band will stretch from London to Cardiff, and warn some areas may even see 40cm of snow on higher ground on Tuesday evening.

Blizzard Britain
Snow has fallen over much of England.. creating yet more havoc!

Snow has fallen mostly across South-Eastern England as last nights temperatures plumetted below zero. The Met Office last night unveiled a flash weather warning for parts of Kent and South London as snow was expected to reach fifteen centimetres within three hours. Havoc has been created everywhere in London, Norfolk, the Midlands and the North-East with even Manchester seeing a dusting of snow. Hundreds of schools have been shut due to the adverse weather conditions, roads have become treacherous and drivers are being urged not to drive anywhere unless absolutely neccessary and to take extra care, time and equipment involving food, a hot drink and a shovel in case of an extreme snow surge.

Snow is expected to reach near to twenty centimetres by the end of Friday evening in the South-East of England with it dying off towards France by the end of the weekend. The North-West, Wales and Northern Ireland are also expected to see up to ten centimetres of snow on Sunday.

The snow is expected to be at its worst during this mornings rush hour, so do remember the standard driving guidelines told above, if your having to drive.

GMTV have revealed that more snow could sweep its way into the whole of the UK on Monday, so yet more devastation lies in-store for commuters ahead of the busiest shopping week of the year.

We'll keep you posted on the latest snow developments and don't forget to tune into The Breakfast Show this Saturday from 9am for the latest on the snow developments over the weekend.

Happy Christmas and Enjoy the long weekend if you've got it!


Darling 'must find £15bn in cuts', IFS think tank says

Alistair Darling

The government has not revealed the full extent of cuts needed to pay off the UK's debts, experts have warned.

Public spending is facing a £36bn squeeze from 2011 - with £15bn of the cuts needed yet to be identified, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has said.

With health and education protected, the axe would fall on defence, housing, transport and higher education.

The IFS also estimates the cost to families of paying back the national debt is £2,400 over eight years.

The think tank says the government will have to cut 6.4% per year between 2011 and 2014 in order to protect schools, hospitals and increase overseas aid.

It also warns that debt levels could remain high "for a generation" - at around 60% of national output - without policies to tackle the impact of the ageing population on the UK's public finances.

BBC Economics Editor Stephanie Flanders said the IFS analysis also suggested the tax rises in the pre-Budget report would "overwhelmingly" impact on the top 10% of earners.

"Their income, if nothing else changes, will be cut by 5% by 2012," she added.

Users get more privacy on Facebook
The largest social networking site Facebook is launching new privacy settings which will help make the process easy for 350 million of its users.

The new settings is one of the changes that Facebook have made in their privacy policy this year.

Only about 15% to 20% of Facebook users have adjusted or changed their settings.

One of the newest features for the settings are that you can control who sees every post made. This feature was made after a bunch of users requested it.

A spokesperson from Facebook said "We believe users will feel comfortable sharing more."

There are a load of new settings for your privacy on Facebook but were claimed to be "complicated".

All these mean that users can select a privacy setting for each piece of content, from updates to photos.

Katie pays the Price?
In this years ITVs "I'm a Celebrity get me out of Here!" Katie Price has re-entered the jungle and has had to face all the Bush Tucker Trials since she has been in there. One has to ask the question - Is this revenge for her messing divorcee with past bush mate and husband Peter Andre.

There is only one more challenge after tonight that Katie will have to do because the public vote stops and the evictions begin but the damage has already been done so far she has had to: Collect floats from a pond on the opening day of her coming into camp, travel in underground tunnels with god knows what, go back to school with some creepy classmates and most recently take part in some vial vending.

When Jordan re-entered the jungle she said on her VT that she was coming back for closure on the ordeal with Pete over the past few months and has spoken openly about him claiming that "In a ideal world i would love us to get along and he would come to the kids birthdays because it's so nice to have their dad there as well." Is this the real Katie price?

Have you fallen back in love with the model and business women like i have or are you the other half of the population who vote her in time after time for these horrendous Bush Battles...

Posted by Luccy. on 22nd November 2009

Danyl STILL has to hide behind his Mother!
X Factor contestant Danyl Johnson's Mother has spoken out and said Simon Cowell has made her son a national hate figure! She added that he is deliberately wrecking his chances of winning the show.

The 27 year old believes his is being put in the back seat while Simon concentrates on his favorite essex lad Olly to win.

This week Danyl stormed out of rehearsal after being given another slow George Michael song to sing, he got a telling off but claimed it was just frustration of the same songs over and over again!

While other performers like Jedward get everything from performing women to Calvin Harris with a pineapple Danyl feels he is lucky to get a plastic box to sing on.

Simon has been reported to have said that Danyl is a "Loose Cannon" and can no longer win the show.

Posted by Luccy. on 22nd November 2009

MJ gloves bought for $350,000
The glove worn by Michael Jackson when he first performed his "historic" moonwalk for the first time was snapped up at auction today for the mighty sum of $350,000 (£212,000).

Hoffman Ma, a Hong Kong business, had to spend up to $420,000 with taxes added to get hold of the rhinestone-encrusted artefact, formerly belonging to the late pop icon. It will now go on display in a hotel in China.

Darren Julian, the auctioneer of the event in New York, claimed he was shocked by the massive amount of money earned after selling items such as a MJ's jacket and hat, as well as the glove. He added: "It's a tribute to his life and career - he's truly an amazing artist."

Michael Jackson memorabilia is now worth more than that of both Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.

Posted by Huntrex on 22nd November 2009

Cumbrian Bridges face tough Safety Checks
Cumbrian Bridges are to face tough Safety Checks amid of some of the worst flooding seen in the region in 100 years. This has been announced after the collapse of 6 bridges in the region and the death of PC Bill Parker who was caught up in the bridge accident whilst carrying out his job.

Severe flooding has already caused extensive damage to the local area in Cumbria, damaging over 1,300 properties. The public have been advised not to return to the area amid the forecast of further heavy rain.

There are currently 18 flood warnings issued by the Met Office across northern parts of England, Scotland and Wales. The Met Office also predicts localised flooding in western counties of Northern Ireland. River levels have since subsided but 4 extreme flood warnings 'posing a threat of extreme danger to life' are still present in Cumbria. The Prime Minister Gordon Brown has already visited Cumbria and pledged £1million of financial support for the area. Forecasters also inform us that further rain is expected later today, however hopefully the rain will settle during the course of the week.

Posted by Tarento on 22nd November 2009

Teenage boy stabbed and run over
Michael McCarthy, aged 19 has recently died on the street near his home in Yoakley Road, Stoke Newington after being stabbed and then run over by a car. McCarthy was reportedly rowing with two men who were seen leaving the area in a silver Fiat Punto, registration WN06 BVE after his death.

Police turned up to the scene after 23:00 GMT on Thursday where they found Mr McCarthy who was pronounced dead.

Two men in their 20s have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in Michael's death and are being held at a police station in east London.

Posted by Valtriviord on 21st November 2009
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