Habbo Mania
  HabboMania News
This is all the latest news from HabboMania

Version 2

As version 2 nears we have decided to give you some things that will be on our site!

HabboMania will have a improved radio and Radio Stats/ Statisitcs!

Shortly after release, the forum will be up and running. This should be up a week after Version 2 Launch!

Features on V1
All current Features on V1 will be on V2 as well

We didnt go into detail so it will be a suprise. There will be more too!


HabboMania Happenings

Just a quick update on what has been happening in the HabboMania Community!

New Co-owner -
HabboManias DJ Demela has now been promoted to co-owner after Scottabis resigned from  the post. Demela will now be in charge of events etc and will Help you with anything you get stuck with on the site

HabboMania Hacking - 
After HabboMania got hacked, everything has got back to normal after what happened. I-AM-GREG has been BANNED from the site.

New Newsletter-
On Jan 17th HabboMania will be launching its new Newsletter! This will give you whats up in the community weekly unlike here its monthly. To Subscribe to it see the Newsletter page on Friday 15th!

Management Apps-
Dont forget our Management apps are open for Community , News, Radio and Events Management. Only 2 managers can be for each thing. News and Community and Radio only have 1 slot rest. When all positions filled, the application will close for the mean time

Version 2-
The Countdown to Version 2 has started! Keep up to date when the date for the launch will be soon! Days to Launch: 35 Days!

Thats the Latest News. For a weekly update, subscribe to our news letter!!


 New Co-owner

HabboMania are glad to announce Demela of Habbo UK as the new co-onwer! Scottabis was offline for about 3 months now and emailed me saying he left habbo and the site. After confusion with the hacking of my account, we got demela back in our team and he has now agreed to be co-owner of site.

Thanks to Scottabis for all his support and HabboMania will now go ahead further now Ben has came back!


HabboMania V1.5

HabboMania is due to launch v1.5 of the site. V1.5 will contain some new features our site will contain some of our new features. On Sunday 10th at 2pm search Marc-RFC-Marc1 for the room which you can come down for the launch!


Management Applications open!

Would you fancy a Job at HabboMania, mabye even a management job? Well the Management Applications are now open. Applications are open to US, SG AND AU users. If you want one you must have a us,sg or a au hotel habbo and be on it regulary. Also you must be able to be online on that hotel for atleast 6 hours a week*. So you have till 10th January to get your applications in! To apply, go to our jobs page!

* if not on for this time or cant be on for this time, contact the owners


Advertise with us

Want to Advertise with us? HabboMania is giving you till 10th January to contact us about advertising with us for free!

To advertise with us, send an emial to marc-rfc-marc@live.co.uk to ask for a place! You will get a reply to ask for more details.

In your mail, clerify what site you want to advertise and its adress featuring http. example :

If you require to advertise Habbo UK or any other hotels, just email us and we will let you do it for free even if its after 10th January


Marc-RFC-Marc Scammed!

Over the last week Marc-RFC-Marc has been scammed. His habbo has been banned due to the reason of scamming. As you know our site has been hacked. Marc-RFC-Marc has made a new habbo. All staff are advised to add him on Marc-RFC-Marc1. This is a temporery Habbo for the length of the ban

Thanks and lets keep scammers away from our habbos

Last Chance to enter..for the Karaoke

Join us on the 10th January for our New Year Karaoke!

Its time for you to grab the microphone once again and join our team and then DJ’s to celebrate New Year with some very bad singing and plenty of laughs! The New Year Karaoke gives you a chance to show off your singing talent (and if you can’t sing, then enter just for the fun of it!) You can enter alone, do a duet or even sing in a band!

Seeing as this is the New Year Karaoke, we will be accepting Any type of songs (or songs with a hint of christmas!) So get searching for the  song to sing!
We would love Xmas songs more than anything else
Karaoke Prizes

If you become the Karaoke king or queen you will win yourself a Karaoke Forum Badge, 3 months of VIP and 50 credits on Habbo UK. Best of all you will be involved in one of HabboMania's biggest and most popular events!

How to enter

It’s simple to enter! You will need a sound recording program & a microphone, you can get audio software such as Audacity which is free and can be found easily on Google! You then record your song and attach it to an email, make sure the song contains NO swearing or it will not be played on air, also make sure it’s saved in a wav or mp3 format!

Send your entry to: karaoke-habbomania@live.co.uk

Attach the clip to your email and in the email please tell us the following:

Your Habbo Name:
Song Name:

You must send in your clips before 6th January, the email will be locked at 9am and any entries sent in after this time will not be accepted.


Join us from 9pm tonight

Join us tonight from 9pm for the big New Year Party with DJ Marc and DJ Just. Celebrate the bells with great music, fun competitions and lots more great things.

Marc will be on from 9pm-6am and DJ Just joining in the fun at 1am. They will be music from Hardcore, Great Competitions and Fun jokes and games

We will be doing things such as:

2010 Prezzie Trap
Fallin Furni
Guess The Pass
HabboMania Bells Party
PES 2010 Game
FIFA 10 Game
and lots more...

The Party starts at 9pm with DJ Marc



DJ Ludus is coming!

Ludus is coming to visit HabboMania ! He is coming not expecting to come before xmas but we think it will be December 29th and he will be staying for 2 whole hours! He will be visiting the forum before his show and also during it!

So, get your questions ready to fire at him through the request line! So make sure you tune into HabboMania for Ludus who will be kicking off your New Year Holidays in his own... er, unique style!

XMas Dance

Thanks to Hippy8877fit, we have managed to organsie and Xams Dance. This will take place on Xams eve at 2pm. Everyone can come and if you have a partner it will be even better! This will take place at the HFFM 1 Lounge by searching Topdude16. Join us then for all the fun!

More news on this later

New Year Karaoke...
Join us on the 10th January for our New YearKaraoke!

Its time for you to grab the microphone once again and join our team and then DJ’s to celebrate New Year with some very bad singing and plenty of laughs! The New Year Karaoke gives you a chance to show off your singing talent (and if you can’t sing, then enter just for the fun of it!) You can enter alone, do a duet or even sing in a band!

Seeing as this is the New Year Karaoke, we will be accepting Any type of songs (or songs with a hint of christmas!) So get searching for the  song to sing!
We would love Xmas songs more than anything else
Karaoke Prizes

If you become the Karaoke king or queen you will win yourself a Karaoke Forum Badge, 3 months of VIP and 50 credits on Habbo UK. Best of all you will be involved in one of HabboMania's biggest and most popular events!

How to enter

It’s simple to enter! You will need a sound recording program & a microphone, you can get audio software such as Audacity which is free and can be found easily on Google! You then record your song and attach it to an email, make sure the song contains NO swearing or it will not be played on air, also make sure it’s saved in a wav or mp3 format!

Send your entry to: karaoke-habbomania@live.co.uk

Attach the clip to your email and in the email please tell us the following:

Your Habbo Name:
Song Name:

You must send in your clips before 6th January, the email will be locked at 9am and any entries sent in after this time will not be accepted.


Christmas plans

On Xmas eve we will give you a link for our santa tracker. Thanks to Norad Santa, we are making one. The link will be found on the navigation bar for Santa Tracker.

HabboMania Management

Radio Plans--
HabboMania is planning on buying a radio for xmas day! For christmas day, HsabboMania will be given a radio from santa and we also need dj's. Go to our jobs page and send the dj appliction to jobs-habbomania@live.co.uk. You should get a reply on the Sunday coming when you send your appliction

E.G - Send in Monday -- Reply Sunday

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